Are You Behind The 8-Ball in Your Retirement Planning & Finances?

If You Haven't Saved Enough or Prepared Enough...It's Not Too Late!

Attn: Men & Women in Their 50's & 60's With Disappointing Retirement Accounts

Do you want to retire in 3 to 5 years with as little as $10,000...? Then you will what to read what what I have to offer.

Dear Friend,  Regardless of what you'd like to have, if you have a feeling of despair when you realize how little you have prepared for retirement, I have good news for you.  My name is Dr. Fred Rouse CFP, and want to share with you exactly how to dig yourself out of this hole, and quickly repair and energize your retirement future with little-known ways to recover and dramatically grow your retirement investments.  I've been called "The Real Money Doctor" and if your retirement needs surgery, you have found the right place.  It doesn't even have to be painful, it just needs to happen, and soon before it truly is too late.  You see, most people are too busy with their careers to truly understand how to save, invest and multiply their funds so they hear a fancy tip here and there, or read a few articles and think they know enough, but inevitably they get hurt by bad investments, high taxes or simply lack of knowledge.   My mission is to help those who think perhaps it is too late, to create nothing short of a miracle in their retirement planning and funds.  I get great pleasure in helping people read on, to find out how we can help you create a compelling and prosperous future retirement, well-funded and secure.  Warmly,  Dr. Fred Rouse, CFP

Get My New System "The Short Window Retirement Model"

For A Prosperous & Secure Retirement in 3-5 Years...

I know, it's frustrating to hear about others in your age group who are set up for life. People who started early, stuck with their plan and had some incredible fortune along the way, and now able to retire anytime with plenty of money. And you, perhaps took some unexpected losses along the way, maybe forced to spend on unforeseen expenses. Perhaps you had a career change, or even an investment gone bad, and you are now left with too little to consider retiring, but you are running out of time. Well it is not over for you, you can and will recover and fast. Here is how...

FAST Ways to Recover & Build Your Retirement Funds

    Maximize Your Income | Find ways to create more income, in less time, with higher tax-deferred retirement contributions.

    Investments| Little-known safe investments with higher growth possibilities, maximizing your contributions.

    How to Get, Protect, Grow & Then Enjoy Your Investment Money

    Minimize Your Taxes | Find out little-known ways to re-direct what is normally taxed to protected retirement savings accounts

And so much more...

This is Not Only a Method to Save Money, You Also Learn a Valuable Skill to Create Income Throughout Retirement...

Don't Let Another Year Slip By Without This Training!

What I am about to teach you will provide you a comprehensive life income and growth plan that can truly liberate you from a life of never-ending work.  I will show you exactly, step by step, how to hit your goals from all angles.  Skipping even one angle reduces your future portfolio dramatically.  Imagine even skipping professional tax strategies.  How much would you lose if you overpay Uncle Sam every single year? How much more would you earn if you grow the savings, stack them on top of each other, and exponentially expand your account.  Then add my advanced investment strategies and your account can realize truly dramatic growth.   HERE'S HOW TO START I offer an absolutely 100% FREE Money Training you can download instantly.  This training will jumpstart you by walking you through a 10-Step coordinated Goal Setting exercise that will offer clarity and a vision for where you are today, and where you want to be.  This guide alone is worth a substantial investment, it is yours absolutely FREE!  My bet is, once you go through my FREE Guide, you will understand you are dealing with a professional who will take you to a new level.  Someone who knows what he's talking about, who can offer a lifetime of experience and training to create a phenomenon in your financial future.  Then you will want to take the next step, and sign up to work with me directly as your coach and mentor.  But that's later, right now all you need to do is click below, download my FREE Guide and accept my gift as my way of saying thank you for visiting and taking an interest in my program. 

More About Me & Why You Should Consider Working With Me...

Dr. Fred Rouse CFP | Author | Keynote Speaker | Investment Professional | Tax Professional | Media Personality

Doctorate in Business Administration in Small Business Finance (DBA) and a PhD in Taxation Certified Financial Planner® | CFP Financial Management Group | Financial & Tax Management Author | The End of Your Employment Contributing Author | Jack Canfield Chicken Soup for the Soul Contributing Author | Amazon Best-Seller Financial Publications US Coast Guard | Search & Rescue Registered Respiratory Therapist | Critical Care for 10 Years Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI) Certified Commercial Investment Management (CCIM) Courses Media Appearances | FOX, USA Today, CBS Affiliates, The Money Show, Wall Street Business Network Radio, and more I don't list these achievements to impress you, I list them so you can feel confident you are choosing a coach that has the experience and training to match what I teach.  You deserve not just theory, but actual real-world experience, and I bring a lifetime of that to you via my courses, training and coaching.  I urge you to join me now, another year slips by quickly, and if you are going to turn things around, there is never a better time than right now!

Your Financial Future is Truly at Stake!

You Either Address This Issue Now, or Wish You Did 10 Years From Now...

If you had been doing all the right things over the last 20 years, we wouldn't be having this conversation.  I apologize for being so harsh, but I pedal in truth, so I will not sugar coat things.  Your financial future is at stake, and if you don't do something different, you will continue getting the same results.  If this is unacceptable to you, then here is your chance to finally accept the challenge to change, to learn, to grow, to expand your awareness, knowledge and retirement account.  I can show you how, I just need you to take the first step!  Simply download my FREE Guide and then consider joining me for a full immersion experience in your financial life, and how we are going to fix it!


  Dr Fred's refreshingly honest, solid and predictable Short Window Retirement Planning really does look like the last best hope for thousands of people that are 50 and older to save their retirement and not work into their 70's and beyond just to survive.  

Professional Coach


Brian Tracy

Charlottetown, OU

  If you want to take your life to the next level financially, take advantage of Dr Rouse and all that he has to help you get the where you want to go  


Jack Canfield

Fort Worth, TX


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  • To Retire
  • To Retire
  • For Retirement

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